
Redwoods Zine by Kate & Laura Mulleavy

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Issue 03 guest edited by Woodshock filmmakers Kate and Laura Mulleavy.
Redwoods Zine by Kate & Laura Mulleavy
Issue 03 guest edited by Woodshock filmmakers Kate and Laura Mulleavy.
From The Editors

When first writing the script for Woodshock, we started with one idea alone: our love for the redwoods. We wanted, in any way that we could, to portray the magnificence of these trees. Their scale, their weight, their breath, their movement– all taught us to be aware of our surroundings, and sensitive to what is larger than us…what is greater than us…and, most importantly, opening our imagination to the big life question: what is out there? 

We are grateful to have grown up surrounded by these magical redwoods, as it was during our formative years that we were able to experience something so completely awe inspiring and ancient that our sense of time and space was shaped and molded into what it is today. 

We urge every reader of this issue to take a trip to Northern California, visit Humboldt and Mendocino County National and State Parks, and experience their sublimity. 

Take your time, explore the trails within them.  Each tree that you discover, one after another, will overwhelm you. You will feel lost at times – your physicality will become disoriented, and in those moments, you will truly connect to something larger than yourself…to the force and beauty of our natural world…to the magnitude of the redwoods…and if you listen carefully, their wisdom will speak to you.

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